Links to other artists
Abstraction frees me from the constraints of the conventional. I am sometimes inspired
by the real world or simply by patterns and colors.
Robot konst mm när den är som bäst!
En söt flickvän med talang för smycken
En kär konstnärs vän
Tommie Olofsson's Collection of oil paintings shows a
skill and familiarity with the concepts and applications of Cubism.
Loredana specializes in Fine Abstract Art. The artwork she produces comes
alive with her brilliant use of color, texture and an eye for the unique.
Original Oil, Acrylic and mixed media realistic,
impressionist and abstract paintings by Alexis Baranek
Pieter's love of nature and animals leads him to paint a variety of wildlife and landscape pieces.
Watercolor is my medium.... I took it up in the mid-nineties while I was living in London. My style is .....
well, it varies with my mood - someone called it whimsical! I tend to break the rules a bit.
Very very nice....
My goal is to be remembered as a very influential artist. I like to use my talent to create art
that pleases people close to me and clients far away.
Paul specialises in painting local scenes in and around his beloved Yorkshire
Good art from
Welcome to the web site of surreal painter Mark Poppe. Today, we must clear the mind of past practices,
and focus on the wonderful artwork of this great artist.
Now I am a Dad, and a workaholic. But I still long for a caveman type of existance, the
animal, and child in me that never dies. Alas, my work beckons, and I must continue to create!
Escha uses a method of painting in which abstraction and figurative images combine and reinforce
each other's effect. She is an artist of exceptional intensity whose dynamic and poetic abstractions faces
and nudes display profound sensitivity and a great emotional power.
Arthur Bernard - contemporary art
Figurative and abstract paintings in oil and acrylic, works on paper and limited editions.
I've been an artist for longer than I can remember, but every child is an artist. My mother, Renee Wollard,
has been an artist longer still. Some of my earliest memories are of her holding one of my crying siblings
in one arm, while applying paint to canvas with the other.
My goal with my work is to try and combine the different categories of both illustration and fine art. There's
been such a divide between them that I feel a lot of people REALLY miss out on some great work because
they won't look at certain 'types' of work. I'd like to help overcome this obstacle by producing work that can
swing either way so to speak: illustrative and or fine. I do hope to achieve this goal and continue working
towards it with future work.
BELIKOV VASILIJ MATVEEVICH (1921-1994) - the member of the USSR Union of Artists, participant of
many exhibitions. His pictures are present in Penza Picture Gallery and also are represented in many of
departments and in private collections in Russia and abroad.
William Boyer started painting as a child winning a newspaper art contest at the age of seven. His acrlic
landscape paintings reflect scenes from around his home in Michigan and the Smoky Mountains with it's
beautiful streams and rivers.
Steen is voor Marianne het ultieme medium om haar verbeeldingskracht vorm te geven.Geinspireerd door
de struktuur, kleur en vorm van de steen gaat zij aan het werk.Er onstaat een samenspel van geven en nemen.